Mining Frother Chemistry

During the last decade, Nalco Water has led the development of frothing reagent technology that incorporates new understandings of the hydrodynamic elements of flotation circuits. Using the concept that each frother has a unique hydrodynamic curve and specific critical coalescence concentration that is dependent on air rate, we developed a new frother optimization methodology along with a simplified set of frothers that are separated into two distinct families: Alcohol and polyglycols. These two families each contain five unique frothers that can handle all the needs required in flotation circuits.

When you partner with Nalco Water, your mining operation benefits from our expertise and our experience. We are dedicated to helping you meet your recovery and grade targets so you can improve efficiency and meet your mining KPIs.


Flotation 360™

Mineral processing optimization can feel like a moving target. Changing ore, an incorrect formulation or failing to balance recovery and grade can impact your bottom line. But Nalco Water has your solution: Flotation 360. This digital technology helps you maximize productivity and optimize your flotation circuit performance.

Optimisez votre circuit grâce aux capacités prédictives de Flotation 360

  • Improve performance to increase recovery and profitability
  • Améliorez la visibilité des impacts potentiels liés aux futurs changements de minerais, afin de limiter les problèmes à l'avance
  • Optimisez le dosage des réactifs et la consommation de produits chimiques, tout en améliorant le coût total des opérations
  • Réduisez les problèmes de maintenance tels que les défaillances des vannes de cellules de flottation, et passez moins de temps à effectuer des dépannages manuels

Nalco Water Frother Chemistry

The NALFLOTE 500 Series, weak frothers are suitable for circuits that cannot tolerate persistency or a thick froth. They promote faster kinetics, create a stable froth that breaks down easily in launders, and exhibit good activity over a wide pH range. Typically, they are well suited to replace MIBC on circuits.

  • Promote faster kinetics.
  • Produce smaller bubbles than other alcohol-type frothers, resulting in increased mineral recovery.
  • Exhibit good activity over a wide pH range.
  • Create a stable froth that breaks down easily in launders.

The NALFLOTE 600 Series, weak frothers exhibit low persistency. They promote faster kinetics and bubble strength, exhibit good activity over a wide pH range, and create a stable froth that breaks down easily in launders. The frothers produce bubble sizes that improve aeration and gas holdup. These frother help to improve recovery in a cost-effective manner and are suitable replacements for MIBC.

  • Promote faster kinetics.
  • Produce smaller bubbles than other alcohol-type frothers, resulting in increased mineral recovery.
  • Exhibit good activity over a wide pH range.
  • Create a stable froth that breaks down easily in launders.

The NALFLOTE 600 Series of moderate frothers increases recovery by producing smaller bubbles than other alcohol-type frothers to improve aeration (bubble size distribution instead of aeration), which positively impacts the concentration grade. These frothers help to enhance faster kinetics and gas hold up in the flotation of desired metallic and non-metallic ores, while exhibiting good activity over a wide pH range.

  • Promotes faster kinetics.
  • Low toxicity. 
  • Produces smaller bubbles resulting in increased mineral recovery.
  • Exhibits good activity over a wide pH range.

The NALFLOTE 700 Series of strong frothers is well suited for column cells with longer residence time where a stronger lift is required. It has fast kinetics and persistency and is especially suited to capturing coarse and middling particles from the gangue. They are suitable for circuits with conventional and column cells that require fast kinetics and enough persistence to hold the load and still provide good froth mobility. They exhibit good activity over a wide pH range and create a stable froth.

  • Provides a strong load support for coarse and middling particles.
  • Promotes faster kinetics and persistence.
  • Exhibits good activity over a wide pH range.
  • Creates a stable froth that breaks down easily in launders.

Nalco Water Collectors

In addition to frother chemistry, Nalco Water also offers a range of collectors. Explore offerings for gold and silver, polymetallic sulphides and more to learn about the collector chemistry that can help you reach your target grade and recovery.


Collectors for Prescious Metals


Collectors for Polymetallic Sulphides

Coal Plant

Collectors for Coal, Phosphate, Potash

Frothers Success Stories

Copper processing plant machinery

Nalco Water Frother Program Helps Copper Concentrator Increase Recovery and Reduce Total Cost of Operations

Une mine de cuivre en Amérique du Sud a fait équipe avec Nalco Water pour atteindre ses objectifs opérationnels. Ces objectifs comprenaient une augmentation de la récupération dans le circuit de flottation du cuivre, une amélioration de la productivité et, au final, la réduction du coût total des activités tout en garantissant un environnement de production sécuritaire. En lançant FrothPro 507, un produit faisant partie d'une vaste gamme de mousseurs, Nalco Water a aidé la mine à réaliser des économies liées à l'entretien et à accroître sa récupération de 2 526 tonnes par année, se chiffrant à une valeur de 14,98 millions de dollars pour le client. Téléchargez l'étude de cas ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.

Open pit mine on sunny day

Une solution de flottation par mousse de Nalco Water contribue à accroître la récupération dans une mine de cuivre et de molybdène

Une mine de cuivre du sud-ouest des États-Unis devait traiter un type de minerai plus difficile, avec une variabilité quotidienne. Le client s'est tourné vers Nalco Water afin d'obtenir de l'aide pour trouver un programme de traitement qui pourrait améliorer la récupération de cuivre et de molybdène. En mettant sur pied le bon programme de flottation par mousse, Nalco Water a été en mesure d'améliorer l'ensemble de la récupération de 2 % à la même dose que le produit déjà en place. Au final, la récupération améliorée a permis de réduire le coût total d'exploitation. Téléchargez l'étude de cas ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.

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