Compounding Pharmacies

Achieve Personnel, Product, and Patient Safety
With Ecolab's Bioquell Qube Isolator for Compounding Pharmacies

De la préparation de la NPT aux produits cytotoxiques, Ecolab fournit des solutions qui permettent de mettre votre produit à la disposition des patients de manière plus rapide, plus sûre et plus efficace. Maintaining an environment free of contamination is not only desirable, it is crucial to ensure the drugs and treatments intended for patients are as safe and effective as possible.

Benefits of Using an Isolator for Drug Compounding

Using an isolator system in a Grade C or D cleanroom can improve productivity and generate a significant overall cost saving compared to a Biological Safety Cabinet in a Grade B cleanroom. ISO 8 cleanrooms can cost 78% less than ISO 7 per square foot.

Contrairement à une enceinte de sécurité biologique (ESB) ou à une hotte à flux laminaire (HFL), qui doivent être installés dans une salle blanche de qualité B, les isolateurs peuvent être installés dans une salle blanche de qualité C/D. Cela peut se traduire par des économies substantielles :

  • Factures d'énergie dues à un système CVC de moindre capacité
  • Réduction de la main-d'œuvre (pour le nettoyage et la désinfection)
  • Réduction de l'entretien de la salle blanche
  • Réduction des coûts de nettoyage et de désinfection
  • Réduction des exigences en matière d'habillage
  • Augmentation de l'efficacité des opérateurs, car la réduction du temps d'habillage leur permet de travailler plus longtemps
A grade C/D cleanroom hosting an isolator can save 78% the costs per square foot to operate than a grade B cleanroom which a BSC/LAF is required to be situated in.1

1Calculer le coût d'une salle blanche par mètre carré, Cleanroom Technology, 28 février 2018

Grade B C D cleanrooms

The Bioquell Qube is an Ideal Solution for all Compounding Pharmacies

Ecolab Bioquell Qube, front facing, open with gloves

For drug compounding and preparation, operating in a Grade A / ISO 5 environment is vital.
Ecolab’s Bioquell Qube provides just that.

The Bioquell Qube’s closed system provides maximum protection for operators and product, and can be hosted in a lower grade cleanroom.

The Bioquell 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) bio-decontamination technology achieves a 6-log validated sporicidal kill on all exposed surfaces including materials.

The Bioquell Qube is a key tool to reduce the risk of operator and product exposure to bacterial (vegetative and spores), fungi, and other biological contaminants including viral vectors, and is designed with regulatory compliance and GMP in mind.

As a standalone, modular system, the Bioquell Qube can be installed and operating with minimal delay and investment. And our expert team is capable of enacting change or helping build SOPs to add in a system quickly.

Optimal Features and Benefits:

  • Maintains validated Grade A / ISO 5 environment
  • Optional environmental monitoring systems
  • Supports 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
  • Supports GMP compliance
  • Integrated Bioquell bio-decontamination technology
  • Can operate in positive or negative pressure if handling cytotoxic compounds
  • Optional ducted exhaust capability for cytotoxic applications, and no need for HVAC connection for non-cytotoxic applications
  • Quick and easy set up

3 dfferent Bioquell Qube configurations

Numerous Configurations and Options to Meet Every Need

With its modular design, the Bioquell Qube can be built to meet your needs by offering a 2, 4 or 6 glove option that can include a material pass through transfer device or RTP on either or both sides of the system selected.

Never slowdown your workflow as glove options allow you to work in one or two chambers, while bio-decontaminating incoming supplies in the other.

For a complete list of accessories and features, speak to an Ecolab Bioquell Qube expert today.

Speak to An Ecolab Bioquell Qube Expert
Protect Compounding Pharma Icon

Protect Product and Organization Reputations

For commercial organizations, who are producing at scale, the quality, safety, and efficient throughput of product are critical, as is compliance with regulations.

  • Cleanroom cost savings
  • Compliance with EU GMP Annex 1
  • Protection of product and, therefore, reputation
  • Multiple chamber Bioquell Qube configurations allow continuous workflow, improving efficiency
  • Protection of operators (if handling cytotoxic compounds)
Optimizing compounding pharma icon

Optimize Compounding Processes in Hospital Pharmacies

The preparation of drugs, especially cytotoxics for chemotherapy, demands a rapid turnaround for quick delivery to the patient. The Bioquell Qube can help this process through:

  • Protection of operator from exposure to cytotoxic compounds
  • Locatable in a variety of areas within a hospital
  • Ability to house specialized compounding equipment, e.g. weighing scales
  • Built in pressure/leak test and optional glove leak tester

Beyond Simply Isolators

Ecolab offers both manual and automated disinfection solutions to safeguard your compounding needs, along with expert support for regulatory, process, and efficacy issues through our Global Technical Consultants.

Range of Bioquell products.

Automated Bio-decontamination Systems for Rooms, Enclosures and Equipment

As well as Bioquell Qube isolators, the Bioquell offering includes a full range of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor (HPV) bio-decontamination solutions for automated room and equipment bio-decontamination.

These devices help eliminate microorganisms throughout your process, from rooms to pass-throughs to existing isolators and more.

Biocide wipes photo

Effective Manual Cleaning and Disinfection

Ecolab’s Klercide™ range of cleaning and disinfection products offers effective sprays and wipes for cleanroom contamination control, effectively neutralizing cytotoxic chemicals for safe removal. Using Klercide™ Sporicidal Active Chlorine for spraying, along with Klerwipe™ 70/30 IPA for the final wipe, maximizes efficacy while minimizing surface residues.

A variety of other products are also available for thorough cleaning and disinfection in general areas beyond the Bioquell Qube.

RBDS van and products.

Correction Action and Emergency Response Capabilities

With Bioquell Rapid Bio Decontamination Service (RBDS), an expert rapid response team can be deployed to meet scheduled, or emergency needs of facilities across the globe.

Highly trained and experienced technicians provide professional and validated bio-decontamination services with detailed reporting.

Bioquell Compounding Pharmacy Brochure 2025

Achieve Personnel, Product, and Patient Safety with Ecolab’s Contamination Control Solutions for Compounding Pharmacies.

Superior contamination control protects your personnel, your product and your patients.

Maintaining an environment free of contamination is not only desirable, it is also crucial to ensure the drugs and treatments intended for patients are as safe and effective as possible.

Partnering with Ecolab will help you deliver this environment, enabling your team to focus on what they do best, efficiently and in line with regulatory guidance.

Compounding Pharmacies

How Can Ecolab Support Switching to an Isolator System?

Discover how Ecolab’s expert team of Global Technical Consultants can help you make the switch from BSCs to Bioquell Qube isolator systems, and support with validating an adapted cleaning and disinfection regime that aligns with the requirements of lower grade cleanrooms.

Complete this form and we’ll be in touch soon.

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